How Can I Sleep Better During the First Trimester of Pregnancy?
Posted by Eileen Pelletier on August 06, 2018. 0 Comments

You’ve heard all about the horror stories of morning sickness during the first trimester of your pregnancy, but were you prepared for sleeping challenges, too?
Your body goes through a lot of changes during pregnancy. While a growing belly with a bundle of joy inside is the most significant, not every woman is prepared for the other drastic changes that occur during the first three months.
Hormonal fluctuations and sheer exhaustion are also bound to happen, along with an increased risk of nausea that can last all day and night.
Bedtime is more important than ever when you’re with child, but what is the best position during the first three months of pregnancy? Many women may not have realized that even this early in the journey, the position you sleep in plays a critical role in your child’s health and development.
Why Pregnant Women Lack Sleep
Your body is flooded with hormones during pregnancy, and the first trimester is a significant adjusting period. You may feel like you have flu-like symptoms thanks to a spike in the hormone, progesterone. When it increases in your body, you’ll feel warmer and drowsier thanks to its thermogenic and soporific effects. Those are just fancy words for heat producing and sleep-inducing.
The effect is feeling tired, especially during the day. The hormone can also affect your sleep cycle, reducing the time spent in deep sleep.
While the discomfort you feel is likely to pale in comparison to what you experience in later trimesters when people who don’t know any better will call you as “big as a house,” you’ll still go through some physical changes that are bound to be uncomfortable.
One of the most significant of these changes will be breast tenderness. Sore breasts will make it even more difficult to find a position that allows you to get proper rest.
Frequent Urination
Our old friend progesterone is also responsible for your need to frequently urinate. Your growing fetus is also bound to put pressure on your bladder, increasing the urge to go to the bathroom. However, expect that to become more pronounced once the baby gets bigger.
You may be tempted to drink less fluid to limit bathroom trips, but you need liquids now more than ever.
If you don’t relish the idea of getting up frequently during the night, drink less at night and more during the day. And, this probably goes without saying, but avoid caffeinated drinks like coffee, black teas, sodas, and energy drinks, which also increase the urge to go.

The term morning sickness should really be changed to all-day sickness. Nausea that accompanies most women during the first three months of pregnancy doesn’t tend to stop just because it’s lunchtime. Not only can it make your days downright miserable, you may also experience it at night while you’re trying to sleep.
Ginger in natural or tablet form is a natural solution that works wonders for nausea during pregnancy. There are also bands you can wear on your wrists that apply pressure to specific points of your body that ease the symptoms.
If you’ve never had heartburn before, you’re in for a treat! Did you notice the sarcasm?
The source of heartburn and acid reflux is the smoothing of the muscle that opens into the stomach from the esophagus. Again, progesterone is the culprit here, along with estrogen. 80% of pregnant women will experience Gastrointestinal reflux disease (GERD) during their pregnancies.
To alleviate the symptoms and avoid having it disrupt your beauty sleep, eat small and frequent snacks, and avoid a meal right before bed.
Stress and Anxiety
You’re going through an exciting time, but also a scary one. The body changes you’re experiencing are just a small representation of how your life is going to change. You may be feeling overwhelmed, concerned about delivery or wondering how you’re going to manage it all when the baby comes.
These worries are bound to keep you up at night, so make an effort to address your worries. Journaling, relaxation techniques like meditating, and childbirth classes can all help calm you down and prepare you for the journey ahead.
Best Sleeping Positions for the 1st Trimester
Sleeping on Side (SOS)
Side sleeping is the best position during pregnancy, whether it’s the first 12 weeks or last 12 days. You might also be surprised to hear that sleeping on your left side is superior to sleeping on the right during pregnancy.
If you lie on your side, you’ll put undue pressure on organs like your liver. However, lying on the left side improves circulation and blood flow, allowing vital nutrients to reach the placenta.
Don’t feel like you’re restricted to one spot, though. Feel free to lay on your right side or your back when you need to shift your weight. As long as you spend most of your time on the left side, you’ll be okay.
Sleeping on Back
This position is suitable during the first trimester but should be avoided during the later stages of pregnancy. The reason is that it puts excess pressure on the blood vessels, back and spine as your uterus increases in size. While this isn’t a factor during the first weeks of your pregnancy, it’s definitely something to be aware of as time passes.
Back sleeping is also associated with muscle pain and even hemorrhoids. It could also cause your blood pressure to drop, which contributes to dizziness and vertigo. And finally, if you suffer from sleep apnea, we recommend avoiding sleeping on your back.

Safe Sleeping Aids
Pillows will be your new best friend. There are special pregnancy pillows that you can adjust to place between your knees or to support your stomach. The key is to keep your lower back supported, and having a pillow between your legs at the knee level does wonders for this.
As your pregnancy progresses, you may also want a full body pillow, or curved pillows to support your belly. If heartburn is rearing its ugly head, grab a wedge pillow and elevate your head to prevent the flow of acid upward.
Food and Drink
Our best advice is to avoid a large meal right before bed. However, you don’t want to go to bed hungry either, as that can exacerbate symptoms of nausea.
We suggest eating protein-rich foods throughout the day and in small servings. This keeps your blood sugar at constant levels, which helps prevent bad dreams, headaches and night sweats. The exact food choices will vary based on your dietary preferences, but we recommend nut butter, eggs, turkey or protein-packed smoothies.
If you’re nauseous, the good old standby of Saltine crackers with a glass of ginger ale will go a long way in providing relief.
Scheduled Sleep
Make bedtime a priority during this important time in your life. Naps are vital, and you’re going to need them! If possible, take a 30-minute rest between two and four in the afternoon. If job or childcare duties prevent this from happening, make an effort to get some shuteye at lunch. It will keep you charged throughout the day.
Yoga and Stretching
Staying fit during your pregnancy not only makes your delivery easier, but it’ll also keep you healthy and better prepared for bedtime. There are specific pregnancy yoga classes you can take that have modified poses that are baby bump-friendly.
Stretching is also key to prevent cramping and keep your body limber. As long as you exercise earlier in the day and avoid it right before bed, it shouldn’t negatively impact your shuteye.
Deep Breathing
Focusing on breathing is more important than ever to make sure you’re getting enough oxygen and keeping you relaxed.
One type of breathing exercise we recommend is to place one hand on your belly, the other on your chest, and deeply inhale. Hold your breath for a count of three, and exhale through your mouth. The rise and fall of your belly, along with the influx of oxygen, are very calming and relaxing.
As if you needed an excuse to go out and get a massage, right? Massage is helpful in relaxing your mind as well as your body. This is also an excellent time to ask for a foot or neck massage from your partner. Tell them that it’s good for the baby!
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
This is a relaxing activity you can do in bed or any time you need to reconnect with your body. To do progressive muscle relaxation, lie on your back, close your eyes, and focus on the muscles in your face. Tense and relax them. Move down to your shoulders, arms, back, and legs, all the way down to your feed.
Your exercise routine doesn’t need to change much during your first trimester. Physical activity is good for you, and it can promote sleep as long as you do it earlier in the day.
Guided Imagery
Visualizing a paradise as you lie in bed is a helpful way to induce sleep. Picture yourself on vacation in your favorite spot. Fill in as much detail as possible from the sights, sounds and even smells. Before you know it, you might end up there in your dream.

Frequently Asked Questions
Can lack of sleep harm the baby?
You already know that sleep is a vital function for health, so yes, not getting enough rest can definitely harm the baby. Not only will you feel drained, your immune system could become compromised. In addition, sleep deprivation could negatively impact your ability to function, leading to drowsy driving and other dangerous circumstances.
Is it safe to sleep on your stomach?
You probably won’t want to sleep on your stomach during your second and third trimesters. The size of your belly by that time won’t make it feasible or comfortable. But, it is okay for the initial 12 weeks or so.
Is it normal to experience insomnia?
Sadly, yes. The good news is you’re not alone! According to The National Sleep Foundation, a staggering 78% of women reported trouble sleeping during their pregnancy.
What are some comfortable sitting positions during pregnancy?
One of our favorite sitting positions during pregnancy is to sit on the couch with our legs propped up on a pillow and a pillow nestled in our lower back. It’s the ultimate lounging position!
For more office-friendly arrangements, you may want to sit on a giant exercise ball at your desk. It keeps your spine in alignment and encourages proper posture. If you’re in a chair, make sure you have a towel rolled up and placed in the hollow space between your back and chair to support your lumbar spine.
Avoid slouching, dangling your legs or sitting without a backrest. And while you may want to do nothing more than sit back and relax, make sure you change positions every thirty minutes.
And so, the countdown begins! Remember, getting proper during your pregnancy is vital for your health as well as your baby’s. Side sleeping is best, especially on your left side. However, in your first trimester, our recommendation is to find whatever position makes you the most comfortable!
Author: Sarah Cummings
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