Pourquoi utiliser un coussin de genou?

Pourquoi utiliser un coussin de genou?

The most common sleeping position is on your side, with you legs and hips aligned and flexed. Because this position leaves your upper leg unsupported, the top knee and thigh tend to slide forward and rest on the mattress, rotating the lower spine.

According to the U.K. Sleep Assessment and Advisory Service, which conducted a survey of 1,000 people, approximately 41 percent sleep on their sides in a fetal position. Women are twice as likely as men to sleep this way, as per the results.

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Présentation de Sleepy KNEEZ

Sleepy Kneez ® est un petit coussin qui aligne vos hanches et amortit vos genoux sans l'excès de vrac, et s'attache à votre jambe pour le garder en place toute la nuit. L'oreiller ferme est livré avec une bande extensible réglable conçu pour un maximum de confort. Sleepy Kneez peut également être équipé de notre Insert de gel chaud/froid personnalisé.

A knee pillow works to help relieve pressure in the hips and lower back and is a helpful tool for anyone who wants extra support for the spine. Sleepy Kneez improves knee comfort, and eliminates pressure on the lower back and hips restoring natural alignment.

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Présentation de Sleepy KNEEZ


  • I continue to enjoy the use of the Sleepy Kneez pillow that I purchased at APTA Next. It has reduced the back pain that I experience when sleeping at night due to my poor alignment The pillow is easy to don and doff and is comfortable to wear. I’m very satisfied with the product! Thanks for introducing it to me. - DeLaine Rice-White
  • I have to tell you the new pillow and strap make all the difference! I slept well for the first time in months. The strap is much more comfortable I didn't even feel it and the pillow was perfect (it really molds to your body). - Julia McNally, Personal Trainer
  • En passant, j'ai été en utilisant l'oreiller Kneez somnolent pendant environ 2 semaines et c'est incroyable! J'avais l'habitude de se réveiller avec un dos endolori et dernièrement mon dos se sent bien dans la matinée. Merci! - Ron T, Lawyer


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Sleepy Kneez Pillows & Accessories

This unique patented pillow ensures the spine remains in a neutral position, soothing your back and hips as you sleep, and stays in place while you sleep, even if you don't. It improves knee comfort, and eliminates pressure on the the lower back and hips, by restoring natural alignment.

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