2 Sleeping Positions to Help You Wake up on the Right Side of the Bed
Posted by Eileen Pelletier on August 06, 2018. 0 commentaires
Il n'y a rien de mieux que de se coucher au lit après une longue journée et d'être capable de se reposer, de récupérer et de commencer le lendemain rafraîchi.
Mais quand l'acte de se coucher dans le lit provoque des maux et des douleurs, vous êtes non seulement compromettre votre sommeil, mais vous êtes assuré de se réveiller avec la douleur qui peut mettre un amortisseur énorme sur votre jour-et qui a le temps pour cela? En effectuant quelques ajustements à votre position de sommeil, vous pouvez diminuer vos risques de maux de matin. Voici deux positions de couchage qui peuvent aider votre colonne vertébrale obtenir une bonne nuit de repos, et celui qui peut être un cauchemar total.
Couché sur le côté
Cette posture est le meilleur choix pour la santé du dos. Cependant, vous devez vous positionner correctement pour éviter de vous réveiller avec la douleur. Vous pouvez le faire par:
Making sure the pillow under your head is thick enough to bring your neck to the same level as your spine.
- Placing a small pillow between your knees and bending your legs to support your lower back, as shown.
- Using a body pillow to help align the hips, back and shoulders, preventing you from twisting and straining your back.
Lying on your back
While this position can be beneficial for your spine, it can cause problems for those who snore or those who have sleep apnea. Ask your doctor if you’re uncertain whether such positioning is right for you.
- Use a pillow that raises your head enough to support the back of your neck.
- Consider placing a small pillow under your knees to ease the pressure on the lower back. This can provide temporary pain relief to help you sleep.
Lying on your stomach
This position is NOT recommended if you have lower back pain. It puts immense pressure on your spine that can cause strained muscles, and it can force your neck to bend in an awkward and unnatural position, resulting in severe pain.

- Place a thin pillow under your stomach to bring your spine to a level position with your head.
- Bend one knee and place it on a pillow to alleviate pressure on your spine, as shown.
Getting a good night’s rest is essential for maintaining your energy and mental awareness, and it can help boost your mood. It is also important to help you recover from an illness and heal after surgery. Keep in mind that your spine isn’t designed to be stick straight – it has a natural curve that allows it to support the weight of your body and help you stand upright. By using the proper pillows in every sleeping position, you will be supporting the natural curve of your back, thus alleviating pain and allowing you to fall asleep faster and wake up with more energy. Here’s to waking up on the RIGHT side of spine health!
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